Update on the requested sign at 148 & 20.
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2014 6:42:47 AM
To: DOTInfo (DOT)
Subject: MassDOT Contact Us: MassDOT
Auto forwarded by a Rule Name: Walter Hersee
I write a blog in Sturbridge. Recently I received an email re: placing a sign reminding drivers to yield when turning left at the intersection of Route 148, and Route 20. The intesections configuration with Holland Road encourages those coming from the north on 148 not to yield. This occurs with each light change, and results in confusion, and anger. I don't have accident data. Apparently the idea of a sign reminding to yield has been on other peoples mind for this intersection as well. Could this be looked into b the DOT? Regards, Wally Hersee Fiskdale, MA
From: Jessen, Klark (DOT)
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2014 6:46 AM
To: DOT Feedback District3
Subject: Fwd: MassDOT Contact Us: MassDOT
Mr. Hersee,
Thank you for contacting MassDOT Feedback. We have forwarded your email to the District’s Traffic Section for their review.
Feedback District 3
Would be nice to have a "don't block the box" sign at the intersection of Cedar St & Rte 20. How many times have I waited through a light-cycle because our tourist friends have no idea what's ahead of them (westbound) on 20! DOT might want to look at the "attractions" signage on I-84: How long has Hebert's candy been gone? Also think the "No Turn On Red" at Hobbs Brook results in a hell of a lot of wasted gas in idling time. Light cycle there isn't all that great .