You did see it. You have watched it slowly evolve over the years. Progressively getting worse. There is no reason to do a review of the last four years, but over the past half year things began to peak, and last night it ended. An explanation was given to the sixty, or so, people gathered at the town hall. He then gathered up his belongings, and simply went away.
It was that simple.
The explanation took some by surprise, and the actual going surprised the rest.
Now, a reason, an excuse for not getting this done, or doing too much of another thing is gone, too.
There is no excuse now. There is no reason not to commit, correct, and make better.
Think of all those, "If only..." moments you may have had over the past four years. It's time to call on those moments again.
Your excuse has left the building.
Sturbridge selectman resigns citing town's priorities at odds with his faith

See my post in the previous post. Is the (ex) Chairman going to leave town, too?
ReplyDeleteI appreciate Tom's service to the community. While i often did not agree with the way he talked to others i often agreed with his point of view. There are a lot of problems with this town and taxes are a big part of it. I fear that without Tom on the board this coming years budget will be even larger without any real argument against the FINCOMs budget. He was a LOUD perhaps too LOUD at times an advocate for lower taxes. I had a feeling after this past town meeting that he may not serve out his term. That was a tough meeting for anyone that shared his views on the budget, it was passed with such little fight from the residents it was pathetic. When he left the meeting after it was called to order that was the end.
ReplyDeleteTo each his own with God. The god talk freaked me out a bit at the meetings. I am not a fan of hearing anything about religion during anything political whether its on the town, state or federal level.
I sincerely hope that the remaining members of the BOS can work together. I think the absence of Tom will make that a bit easier. Working together is not simply all agreeing, it is descent in a civil manner that leads to informed decisions that benefit the WHOLE town. I know most are assuming its going to be 2 against 2. I already read on another blog 1 down 2 to go. Who do you think this poster was talking about? That is the kind of talk that will bring this town further backwards. Do we really want 4 or 5 people that unanimously agree with everything brought forth? I think not...
It was time for him to go, I understand where he was coming from but the hate a vitriol that was infecting the town always starts from the top. And Mr. Creamer has always been so full of vitriol. Hopefully Sturbridge can move forward and can finally make some progress with some of the issues the town faces.
ReplyDeleteLast night was a great night for Sturbridge, No one person has so divided a town but his hypocrisy is wa getting out of hand. He complained about frivilous spending yet voted for brick side walks, he talked about helping the elderly but got rid of all the people who made up the REAS Foundation, he talked about buiding bridges but blew more up than he ever built, he talked down to people not TO people. Maybe if he really wants to help the people who are getting burnt by taxes maybe he should consider turning in his bogus pention and bennies we tax payers are footing the bill for. We the town of Sturbridge is much better today than we were yesterday.
ReplyDeleteScott Garieri
What "mention of personal finances" is this all about? Scott was somewhat vague about things when he mentioned turning in a pension and "bennies" (whatever those might be) - not anywhere near the violations of current policy of personnel matters that Chairman Creamer committed in revealing why town employees left for other employment.
ReplyDeleteWally, why did you post this when you ask for a FULL, REAL NAME - obviously you must know 'CAROL', BUT ISN'T THIS A VIOLATION OF YOUR RULES?????????????
ReplyDeleteSlipped by me, Tony. Thanks for picking it up. I removed it since I do know Carols, but have no way of knowing which Carol it is.
ReplyDeleteLet's see if he truly has done some reflection, and wants to be closer to Jesus. If that be true, I would expect he would make some apologies........I'm waiting
ReplyDeleteIf there isn't a special election to fill the now vacant Selectman's position we will have three empty seats to fill on the Board at the Town's next general election. Mary Blanchard and Priscilla Gimas will have expired terms in April.
ReplyDeleteI am not even sure we will have 3 people willing to run in the election if we have 3 seats to fill.