Volunteers are requested to help in trail construction, vegetation trimming, cleanup and invasive plant removal.
This work day will concentrate on the completion of the Heins Farm Trails. Specific work to be accomplished includes removal of trip hazards, gravel placement, spring cleanup, general trail improvements and repairs.
Come and spend some quality time with good people while improving your community and maybe get a little exercise! All abilities are welcome, our volunteers do what they are comfortable with only.
Small utility tractors and trailers are needed for fine gravel placement on trails.
Do you have a neighbor with a tractor / skid loader? Give them a call and tell them we could use their help!
Meet at the Heins Farm / Leadmine Mountain trail head parking lot, 197 Leadmine Rd. The parking lot is located approximately ¼ mile South of the intersection of Stallion Hill and Douty Rd.
Work gloves, hand tools and sturdy shoes are encouraged.
For more information contact Randy Redetzke (rredet@charter.net) or Tom Chamberland (tchamberland@town.sturbridge.ma.us).
The trails committee has done an outstanding job for the town of Sturbridge. The Trails Committee and all the people who have volunteered sweat and materials are the true conservationists of this town and don't believe otherwise.
ReplyDeleteThe trails committee and volunteers deserve respect because they have been out there in rain, wind, snow, and sun for a long time getting things done.
The Conservation Commission should respect and listen to them,instead of being worried they will take away thier power of care control and custody. I have watched many Conservation Committee meetings and the other night was the last straw. The arrogance of the Conservation Committee and agent is shameful to watch. The Trail Committee is not interested in politics or power, just making trails for the people of Sturbridge. Being appointed or hired does not make you more conservationist. It is your actions not the laws that make you a conservationist. Seems that the trails committee and volunteers are making Sturbridge a better place to live. Why all the politics...Why the problem of giving trail development to the the trail committee. Get out and support the Trails Committee, they need help... Volunteer today.