I joined this social networking megasite a little over a year ago, and since then I have reconnected with many people that I have not seen in over 30 years. It is as if I was having a telephone conversation, put down the phone for over three decades, or so, before picking it back up , and restarting the conversation where it had left off.
All the life in between, the babies, jobs, marriages, deaths, divorces, moves, career changes, grandchildren are initially tucked away in a separate folder, and the first words of contact are "How are you?". From there, depending on the person, we may choose to open our folders, and share a bit, but the most important thing is to know that the other person has made it to this point in the timeline safely, and with as little wear and tear as possible. The other stuff is neat, and will be great to learn more about, but for now it is, "How are you?", and what we are really thinking is "Are you all right?".
How many times have we thought of someone we met in 6th grade, and wondered what ever happened to them after graduation. They may have come to mind when we heard a song, saw an old movie, or came across a crinkled photo in a box. Too often. It was a hole in our lives that would be better off filled in.
After making contact, reading the other persons profile, viewing the photos of their family they have posted, and reading their occasional updates, we can go on with our lives. Those loose ends left flapping in the wind for all those years are finally brought together, and the circles are closed.
Just knowing is enough to move on.
I have been blessed to have "filled in" a lot of holes.