Autumn in the North Cemetery.

Sixty miles west of Boston, Massachusetts there is the small New England town of Sturbridge. Located at the junction of I-90 (The Mass Pike), and I-84 it has become known as the "Crossroads of New England". The town was first settled over 300 years ago, and like other small New England towns it has grown just enough over the years to be in a difficult place today. How do we embrace the future without forgetting how we got to our present? How do we attract the right kind of growth, and maintain who we are? And, what about our culture out here in Central Massachusetts?

These pages will cause one to think about how to protect what we have, our future direction, and how to move on in the very best way.

Those thoughts, and other ramblings, will hopefully inspire more thought, conversation, action, and occasionally a smile...

...seems to be working so far

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Open Up Da Door, And Go Outside

Unplug the Wii, put down the laptop, turn off the iPhone, open the door, and toss the kids outside!!!!

Some of our kids grow into adolescence without ever playing in the yard, or taking a walk to a friends house.

Time to let go, and give them a shove.

Jason and Elmo can help


  1. Thanks for posting this! I'm glad kids are getting the message to get outside. Very cute (and educational.)

  2. I hope the kids are getting the message, but I hope the parents are getting it even more. Parents need to open up their doors, and let their kids outside to play, and not just for supervised play dates, and organized sports. They need to just play in the sunlight, and away from the incandescents. Parents need to loosen up.

  3. Don't forget about playing outside at night, too! Some of my best childhood memories are of walking under the stars or fishing at night. Hide-and-seek at night is pretty challenging; night-time moths are beautiful and other bugs are scary-cool.

  4. Plain old fashioned play. Under the stars at night, or messin' around with friends while walking around the neighborhood, play is going by the wayside,and becoming something designed by parents. Something safe, with boundaries, limits and specific goals. Everything to make the adult feel comfortable and accomplished, but little for the child to feel playful about. We have become a society of worry warts, confining our families to the safety of play dates, and toys that discourage the use of ones imagination.


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