I received the following message on my iPhone yesterday regarding my previous post.
Ticket number 101000088093 City of Boston
Status: Closed
Reason: Sign readjusted
Updated Oct 28, 12:18 PM
The sign was turned 90 degrees to the left. Now, pedestrians coming across the street will know not to stop.
You know, there are few things in life one cannot change. First comes death. Can't do much about it. It happens. The next thing on list is stupidity. Can't do much about it either. It happens.
As I said in my last post, the program may be great, but if the data isn't handled right, it's pretty much worthless. I guess all this new smart phone application did was put out there, for the world to see, just how city workers process information, and correct problems.
Some things can't change, no matter how noble the attempts.
I guess we can apply that rule to more important things in the world right now.
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