Strange how the mind works.
"Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a novella written by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson and first published in 1886. It is about a London lawyer who investigates strange occurrences between his old friend, Dr Henry Jekyll, and the misanthropic Edward Hyde.
The work is known for its vivid portrayal of a split personality, split in the sense that within the same person there is both an apparently good and an evil personality each being quite distinct from each other; in mainstream culture the very phrase "Jekyll and Hyde" has come to mean a person who is vastly different in moral character from one situation to the next.
This is different from multiple personality disorder where the different personalities do not necessarily differ in any moral sense."
--From Wikipedia
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Good post. It helps to better understand how Don Imus can call people "fat disgusting pigs" and "nappy haired hoes", or "delinquent perverts", while doing all that great work out at the ranch.
ReplyDeleteGood point! But Imus is the same with EVERYONE. He's an ornery old guy, and has been for 45 years. A real P.I.A. with a heart of gold. He sure has made some mistakes in the past like the Washington Correspondents Dinner when Clinton was in office, and last years mess with that girls b-ball team. There's a difference between plain orneriness, and a real psychosis. Dr. Jeckyl was psychotic.
ReplyDeletenow I get it!!! wasn't sure, but then I read it again and clicked on the links. holy schizo, batman! let me get some money and donate it. but to who? hahahaha
ReplyDeleteI love your posts! What a world we live in! One good thing to remember, everybody can see right through the Jeckyl & Hyde. The question is how do we live with one in our midst- especially the evil personality? One would logically conclude....
ReplyDeleteRemember the scene in the old Frankenstein movie when the towns people marched on the castle with their pitchforks and torches raised when they found out there was a monster in their midst? The time will come when that scene is replayed here in Sturbridge. Only a matter of time.
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget that he probably needs a tax deduction, charitable status on 4,000 acres reduces or eliminates property taxes, and this good deed makes him look and smell better to the public.
ReplyDeleteCall me jaded and cynical, but everyone has an agenda, and even bigoted psychotics can afford good financial and marketing advice.
The people of Worcester must have had a party when their Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde left town. Some had hoped that he would wake up one day and realize his madness and get serious professional help. Instead one can see that he may realize his madness and he relishes in it. Referring to God and the need for greatness in one breath, and working like a mad man to destroy individuals in his next breath. We can only hope that the day he decides to move on and haunt the next community will come sooner than later.
ReplyDeleteA question to the Negative author and his readers: What have you done to help the seniors in this town? You can think what you want about the man you call Jekyll and Hyde, but the bottom line is, he along with MANY others have stepped up in a big way to help the seniors in their time of need. And guess what? All your negative remarks about him and the foundation haven’t worked because it looks like the foundation is a HUGE success. For someone that preaches “ignore the bully”, you sure do spend a lot of time writing about this man. There are plenty of more important things you can be doing like put your money where your mouth is and step up for a good cause….or, start your own….
ReplyDeleteThis has nothing to do with being against an organization, foundation, or charity. It was written to expose one thing only. I believe it did just that because I was in the dark myself. I saw only one side.
ReplyDeletedoesn't matter about REAS. It's all about The Doctor. I'm glad someone has the balls to say what has needed to be said for too long. attacking individuals and their families does not go with being Mr Charity. It's sick.
ReplyDeleteNegative author? Are you kidding me? Charitable work is a great thing but not if you have to throw down someones throat and say "what are you doing?" We all have our issues we care about and support without using it as a catalyst.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the good work will finally make him realize he should love ALL neighbors!!!!
Hey Man Up
ReplyDeleteName one thing TRC did to help the Senior citizens of Sturbridge. Name one actually thing he has done. Not what he says he plans to do name one thing he has actually done.
I am a Sr. citizen and would not encourage anyone to give private and personal information to him and his board of REAS. They are for the most part his friends and supporters. Beware Sr. citizens, nothing free ever comes without a hitch! He is not fair and could use personal information against those he dislikes at a later date.
ReplyDeleteTo Man Up: as long as there attacks against individuals and their families in this town by one person because he disagrees with those he attacks there will be a place to stand up to him, and I think this is as good a place as any. Agreeing to disagree is the way to do things, or trying to convince another by debate, or example are a couple of others. He just repeats himself over and over, in bold type, and in quotes. Nothing original except hate, and we sure have too much of that in this world. One of the sad things is the people he touches, or reach out to him and his hatred are affected as well, just as you seem to be. You can't preach love thy neighbor in one place and hate them in another.
ReplyDeleteHear, hear!!!
ReplyDeleteI am one of the lucky one’s in town whose mother has been helped by Mr. Creamer and Mr. Garieri’s group. We both thank God for what they have done here. You people are so wrong. For years my mom has struggled without help because she made a few hundred dollars more for the whole year than what the state would allow. Because of that she couldn’t get help last year or the year before. She is struggling and we have done everything and we have done everything we could to find help, beyond what we could do for her. She got help this year from Mr. Creamer’s REAS group and now they are assisting us with locating more help from other fuel programs. Instead of knocking him, you should be praising him. For years I have lived here and nobody has ever done anything like this for my mom, or any other seniors. He is a man of his word and I remember him speaking at town meeting about how this town wasn’t doing enough for the seniors when people wanted money for those trees. So he went and did something about it. And now seniors are getting real help because of him and Mr. Garieri. Just about everyone respects him for his courage and for making things more honest and for standing up and doing something instead of talking. I know my family and I sure do. I would be proud to leave my name but won't because of my mom and her privacy.
ReplyDeleteThat is nice your mom was helped. Now think if she was slandered, libeled and her character defamed. Think if there were videos of her doctored to embarass her. Think of she was called vile and hateful comments. Think of horrible lies were spread about her. Think if she didn't agree with someones view - that she was intimidated and that someone said she did illegal things (and never did of course). Think if she never felt safe to speak publicly at a meeting. Think if your mother was stalked. Maybe seniors is his way of trying to get to heaven but the rest of us suffer in our own ways because of him. I hope to God that your mother will never face that.
ReplyDeleteTo Man Up
ReplyDeleteI do things all the time for my Senior Citizen friends and neighbors. I unlike some do it in a quiet way and do not seek attention. I do it for them and seek no recognition unlike Mr. Jekyll and Hyde and his group. I do it because it is the right thing to do. Doing something kind is so out of character for TRC and his friends they have to brag about it because they can not believe it themselves.
One’s Jekyll and Hyde behavior is not acceptable just because someone’s deserving mother was helped in a time of need. As Americans, we all step up and lend a hand when it is needed. Some do it in the lime light, others do it in their own quiet way. Regardless on how good deeds are delivered, the idea of being hateful, vindictive, spiteful and malicious to those who care about things and think about things with a different point is inhumane.
ReplyDeleteJust because someone stands on his soap box to announce his good doings, doesn’t make it wrong doings right. Slanderous, libelous and down right rude behavior shouldn’t have to be tolerated just because someone, for whatever reason, is working so hard to look good in the public eye. Something seems seriously wrong with Dr. Jekyll. True friends shouldn’t sit back and defend him, they should stand up and encourage him to get the help he needs.
At about $4.00 a gal for oil, and the average tank is 250 gals that means it will cost $1000.00 to fill each oil tank. How many seniors? 25? 50 ? 100? The REAS goal is $20,000.00. that means 20 seniors will get a tank of oil, or 40 will get a half a tank, or 80 will get topped off---ONCE. It's a long winter. It is also a nice gesture, but don't let them blow smoke up your butt. This will barely help those in need for the entire winter. And what about the single mom with a baby and 2 jobs and no heat?? Is there any less of a need there? I know, she isn't a part of the dispersion of funds, just seniors. First mistake: Make it for all that are affected, or not at all. Do we help only senior flood victims, and ignore the young families. This organization is noting but a tool, and it has sucked so many good people into it.
ReplyDeleteIf my parents need help with their heating bill I will help them, as should other children of elderly parents.
I vowed I wouldn't get into this discussion but really enough is enough. For those of us on a fixed income, no raises from an employer, we're retired, if there's a raise in SS, its taken back by Medicare, but there is a raise in the price of food, gas, medicine, oil, electricity. So you cut here and you cut there and yes you still come up a bit short. So maybe all I get from REAS is $300 or $500 but that's money that wasn't there before. Maybe some Seniors are lucky enough to have their older children help them but maybe not. Whatever the reason some of you guess this foundation was founded for, its still a great foundation and thank goodness for the people who have donated and sorry for those who don't. A lot of time and effort has gone in to raise the money by a lot of good people who, in spite of what is said here, don't do it as supporters of anyone person, they do it because our Senior residents of Sturbridge could use the help.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading this, even if it doesn't change anyone's mind, it was worth the try.
I want to respond to the last writer. I understand the feeling of being able to pay only certain things, and food costs and my prescription costs. I wish I had more income, too, and I'm not even a senior!. Just help because you want to that's all.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Gal
Sr. citizens are being used by this man and committee. It is ashame that they don't even realize it. He gets in the papers and on the blogs and preaches and boasts about how much good he does but it is all a lie and at the expense of others mainly young families. There are alot of people who are in need right now with the economy. Some older citizens with no families to help them do have financial needs but how about the young families who have babies, toddlers, and school age children that are much more of burden on a young man with a dwindling paycheck.
ReplyDeleteIf it (REAS) were truly an agency for helping it would have been anonymous and for everyone without having to apply and be screened by a group of politicians. I am sure the Salvation Army or Catholic Charities or Jewish Appeal would have accepted money and helped those in need in a more non political way. Sr. citizens beware!
I am a Sr citizen and I do not trust the motives of this group and it's mud slinging leader.
If you're so concerned about young families, why not start a foundation to help them. As far as giving to the Salvation Army or Catholic Charities or Jewish Appeal, etc. etc., all worthwhile, the REAS is by Sturbridge and FOR Sturbridge residents ONLY, put your money in the others and they can go anywhere. This is truly neighbor helping neighbor.
ReplyDeleteHave to ask, what don't you trust about REAS, besides possibly helping a Senior to pay for utilities, what are they going to do to you?????????
OMG, this is too ridiculous or sad. Do you know anything about the gentleman you bash? Did you know that he has received many, many honors? He received Worcester's highest award for his volunteer and community service work. He was honored by the Mass. State Senate and House of Representatives as a Community Hero for volunteerism. He received community service hero awards from the United Way, the Worc. Comm. Action Council, the International Firemen's Association, the Electrical Workers, and the Steel workers unions. Not to mention the awards he received from the Worc. Public Schools, The Red Cross, American Heart Association, and the State EMS Council for his community minded efforts. He was also honored by being nominated for the Presidential Community Service Citation and received the Community Service Hero Award from Firehouse Magazine. There are many others I can't even remember. He has helped literally thousands of people during his lifetime for one reason, because he believes in it. I was very lucky to work with this amazing man while I was teaching in the Worcester Public School system. I, like so many others was inspired into community service by him. I watched him do more in one year than most of us could do in a lifetime. Knowing him like I do, I am sure there's plenty he's doing in Sturbridge that you will never hear about. He is very private about his community preferring instead for others to receive the credit. We read about him here and Worcester and it is not a coincidence that he is in the background with the energy program he started. It also isn't an accident that this group is already very successful. I also know from friends in Sturbridge how respected he is by the great majority of people there. One more point, I know he dislikes prejudicial or snobbish behavior and those who are untruthful. Maybe you who dislike him, do so because he has challenged you or your friends on just that kind of behavior. I am proud to be someone whose life he touched.
It's not about awards, or anthing like that. It is about HATE. Being an award winner does not exclude you from espousing hate. He is redundant in his attacks if he feels they do not get the attention he wants, he is relentless in his attacks to insure he gets the attention he wants, and he is a hurtful individual, despite his past. He has evolved into a hate monger, vengeance bent, maniacal person. Give us a break, an award doesn't erase hate.
ReplyDeleteYou're right that award doesn't erase hate, but hey, aren't you also espousing hate????
ReplyDeleteArrgh, I was warned about writing anything here, and now it's clear why. There is a great deal of hate, and it comes from some of those writing here. I agree that it is not about awards; but it is about a lifetime spent doing something meaningful. The gentleman you dislike so very much has devoted his life to helping thousands of his fellow men and women. Not for praise or awards, but because he believes in his heart that it is our responsibility. I stated earlier how inspired so many others, including myself have been by him. It seems that he has inspired many, many others in Sturbridge too. Ask the many young adults from broken homes, or the unwed high-school moms, or the families on welfare that he reached out to and inspired how he changed their lives for the better. He took the time to work with troubled teenagers who were steps away from a life in jail and mentored them through new lives. He helped so many disadvantaged families and individuals who others just pooh-poohed. There are also so many alcoholics and drug addicts and their families that he worked with, helping them to find recovery programs and new lives. Not to mention the time he spent working with the elderly who struggled in Worcester’s public housing projects. The only people I have ever met who don’t like and respect this man, are those who are either those with honesty issues or consider themselves better than other human beings. Arrrrrrrrrgh, this is infuriating.
ReplyDeleteSheila calls these posts bashing? This doesn't even come close compared to what he does to citizens. Has she seen his blog? Or his bloody cartoon of court personnel being ripped to shreds and torn apart? That cartoon itself is true telling of a persons mental state. I agree that medals are wonderful but if you want to help him, perhaps he is the one who needs the help.
ReplyDeleteThis is the "violence is essential in any courtroom" cartoon. You be the judge.
ReplyDeleteYou should come to Sturbridge and ask around. He has made a horrible mark for himself here. It doesn't matter what one has done in the past, it is what does now that counts, and what he does has erased all the good away. Just like that senator from Alaska that did so much for the Alaskan people, and is now up to his neck in hot water. Doesn't matter what he did before, they are going to get him for what he did now. Sorry you are so infuriated, but we have lived with this horrible man for a few years now, and we have a fresh view. Check out his web site, and read throught all the hate, and see for yourself.